NEWF BAG Weighted V-Ups Exercise demonstration video page.
NEWF Bag Hanging Weighted Leg Raises Core Exercise is a full range of motion (ROM) core exercise and great for building power throughout your core. With the additional weight, this movement will improve your core muscles rate of force production significantly. Maintaining full control of the eccentric and concentric portions of this movement is essential for optimal results.
The NEWF Bag Dead-Hang Chin-Ups Exercise is fantastic for building a lean and powerful back. Performing any movement with an unstable grip is already more challenging than a fixed grip. When you take all of your momentum out of the movement, allow your muscles to lengthen all the way, and start each rep from a dead hang, the level of difficulty per rep is increased tremendously.
The NEWF Bag Weighted Single Leg Squat Holding Strap Exercise will leave your quads wishing you never attempted this movement. This movement is similar to a single leg squat, but the added stability of holding onto the strap allows you to dial in the eccentric and concentric motions while adding on weight to the isolated leg. This movement requires flexibility throughout your hips, core stabilization and joint stability in your knees. The focus of this movement is to minimize the movement of your balance leg, maintain proper posture, and perform each rep at a slow and controlled temp.
The NEWF Bag Strap Split Squat Exercise one of our favorites at NEWF Fitness. This movement is amazing for anyone looking to optimize their athletic output, gain strength, and gain control over their entire body. This movement requires a stable core, flexibility in your hip flexors, and the mental ability to push through a deep burn in your quads.